======EV Home Charging in NZ====== Generally cars need a type 2 socket and something to control the charging which talks to the car. This allows power levels of up to 22 kW in home environment. **EVNex Charge Station** This is the type of charging station I have, in single phase, 7.4 kW. The Nissan Leaf will only charge at around 4kW anyway, but other more modern cars can max it out. They do a 3 phase version, which will pull 22kW. https://evnex.com/collections/all/products/r-series-intelligent-charging-station?variant=14532923490370 It connects to the mobile phone network and gives you stats/connection info on a phone app. Mine has a type 2 socket, and a type 2 to type 1 one cable (the leaf needs a type 1). **Details re guidlines and regs in NZ for charging at home** https://worksafe.govt.nz/laws-and-regulations/regulations/electrical-regulations/regulatory-guidance-notes/electric-vehicle-charging-safety-guidelines/ https://worksafe.govt.nz/dmsdocument/22031-addendum-to-electric-vehicle-charging-safety-guidelines-2nd-edition/latest Worksafe: May 2019 Electric vehicle charging safety guidelines https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gXwF4CAZTtkcGu_DW7b13N-kXud5otaP/view?usp=sharing Worksafe: ADDENDUM: SECOND EDITION Electric vehicle charging safety guidelines https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PbcFwIVIO3HUdjtx9yvaIsnGLFqhwPBc/view?usp=sharing **Pic of the circuit installed at my home** The Vector electrician installed a 40A RCCD (MOD-6-1-40) and an F202B RCD (Type B). He also wired in a Check meter for me that I already had. **Photo: **https://photos.app.goo.gl/JkhyMz14zWufpffZ8 **ABB F202B **https://new.abb.com/products/2CSF202701R1400/fi-f202b40-0-03-residual-current-circuit-breaker (Mine is only single phase) **Other photos of the Wall Box Charging station and install** https://photos.app.goo.gl/1YwtEoCkjCKXDmMM6 **More info on charging at home** https://www.energywise.govt.nz/on-the-road/electric-vehicles/ev-charging/ https://www.powershop.co.nz/electric-vehicles/charging-electric-vehicles/ https://www.meridianenergy.co.nz/your-home/sustainability/electric-cars-vehicles/electric-cars-101/how-to-charge **Other home charging products in NZ** https://juicepoint.co.nz/ https://www.chargemaster.co.nz/ https://www.transnet.co.nz/shop/ECOLight+LED+%26+Smart+Energy+Solutions/EV+Charging/Wallbox+EV+Chargers.html https://www.se.com/nz/en/product-category/1800-electrical-car-charging/ https://bluecars.nz/shop/ https://jackson.co.nz/product/charging-stations/ -- CategoryElectricVehicles CategoryVehicles