Comparing revisions for MiBluetoothTempESPHome

-- I couldn't wait for some Dev boards from China and Jaycar had some half price ESP32 boards so I grabbed a couple to play with
-- These were a problem (I had a couple of esphome based projects I wanted to play with) as when I connected them, the logs showed they wouldn't connect to wifi. Logs showed this:
There is a bit of a jumble of information in there, but I found that if I pulled the 0 pin to ground via a resistor (they suggested 330 Ohm, but currently I have about 480Ohm) it seems to boot and connect to wifi stably. Time will tell. Also pulling 0 low was often easier to flash the firmware when needed.
I couldn't wait for some Dev boards from China and Jaycar had some half price ESP32 boards so I grabbed a couple to play with
==CH340 Serial-USB in Ubuntu==
Getting the CH340 based serial working in ubuntu was annoying, I suspect however in windows you'd need to install the driver. The link I used to troubleshoot is below as errors show up in logs for BRLTTY. This is apparently what unix uses to gain access to serial ports by users.
$ for f in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/*brltty*.rules; do
sudo ln -s /dev/null "/etc/udev/rules.d/$(basename "$f")"
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo systemctl mask brltty.path
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/brltty.path → /dev/null.
==Wifi Issues==
These were a problem (I had a couple of esphome based projects I wanted to play with) as when I connected them, the logs showed they wouldn't connect to wifi. Logs showed this:
There is a bit of a jumble of information in there, but it appears it is a voltage issue when using the UART. I found a solution that if I pulled the 0 pin to ground via a resistor (they suggest 330 Ohm) it seems to boot and connect to wifi stably. Time will tell. Also pulling 0 low was often easier to flash the firmware when needed. Having the resistor off seems to not work reliability.
{{image url="" title="ESP32 Duinotech" alt="ESP32 Duinotech"}}
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