Comparing revisions for MoesZigbeeSceneButtons

-- I couldn't get all the double press/hold options that the Tuya connection should get. They are supposed to allow for double presses and a HOLD for each button.
-- More options may be supported with Zigbee2Mqtt.
-- This setup was fine for what I wanted, but I did start playing with double press detection in Node Red... it wouldn't detect fast presses, but half a second apart I could do.
Top Left Button Pressed
Bottom Left Button Pressed
Top Right Button Pressed
Bottom Right Button Pressed
Top Right Button Held
-- Note that when held, and button is released, a different message is generated on release (I haven't listed those here, as I didn't need them)
Bottom Right Button Held
-- I couldn't get all the double press/hold options that the Tuya connection seems to get (based on the youtube vids I watched). They are supposed to allow for double presses and a HOLD for each button.
-- More options may be supported with Zigbee2Mqtt, or another zigbee setup.
-- This setup was fine for what I wanted, but I did start playing with double press detection in Node Red... it wouldn't detect fast presses, but half a second apart I could do. I might go back to it if I need doublepress.
{{image url="" title="Moes Scene Switch" alt="Moes Scene Switch"}}
{{image url="" title="Moes Scene Switch Mounted" alt="Moes Scene Switch Mounted"}}
**Top Left Button Pressed**
**Bottom Left Button Pressed**
**Top Right Button Pressed**
**Bottom Right Button Pressed**
**Top Right Button Held**
-- Note that when held, and button is released, a different message is generated on release (I haven't listed those here, as I didn't need them. Obviously designed for dimming control.)
**Bottom Right Button Held**
This could definitely be simplified futher with one function node, but it was a neater way of having 2 switches doing the same functions (and I could add more if needed). Also, if I figure out the double presses or move it to my Zigbee2MQTT setup, the changes will be fewer.
{{image url="" title="Moes Scene Switch with Tasmota Zigbee Bridge Node Red Flow" alt="Moes Scene Switch with Tasmota Zigbee Bridge Node Red Flow"}}
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