Revision [6699]

This is an old revision of ArcadeOnTVCosts made by ZorrUno on 2021-03-15 08:04:07.


Cost est for cheap multiplatform arcade on large TV

The Pi 4 will emulate most systems now... it is pretty damn powerful. I'm only using a Pi3 for my arcade cab and a Pi2 would probably have been fine. I did however buy a Pi4 to use but found it wayy overkill, so I plan to use it like this in a NesPi Case and use on the 4k 75 inch TV with bluetooth controllers.

Cost Estimate

ItemCost $NZLinkCheaper$NZ
Raspberry Pi 4B, no case $1094GB version, Wavetech Pi3 Wavetech$89
USBC 3A Powersupply $19 Wavetech
Retroflag NesPi case, Comes with fan, switches etc $74 Retroflag
Controllers x2 (cheap bluetooth, or use PS3) $23 $11.50 each Trademe
64GB SD card $30
HDMI Cable $5


Optional: SSD (not really needed, but case allows for one) 120GB $60
Optional: more controllers for 4 player games (eg simpsons)
Optional: wireless or bluetooth keyboard
Optional: Power supply in black or white

Cheaper option
Use a Raspberry Pi 3B+ $90 Wavetech
and NESPi case+ $46 Amazon

Optional other controllers

Other USB (or possibly bluetooth ones available?) arcade style controller such as:
-- Arcade stick (or DIY)
-- 8BITDO COntroller


There are kits like canakit


I'd recommend Batocera... it is all set to go for the Pi4 and Nespi case (takes care of the scripts for the on/off switches which is nice), otherwise Retropie. There are complete builds with ROMs available at places like
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