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zorruno wikki: Various Tasmota Rules

Revision [5371]

This is an old revision of TasmotaRules made by ZorrUno on 2020-04-27 00:07:47.


Various Tasmota Rules

Rule to republish STATUS10 every 5 seconds (otherwise you can't read it over time)
rule1 on system#boot do ruletimer1 5 endon on rules#timer=1 do backlog status 10; ruletimer1 5 endon

Rule to turn an additional sonoff device on & off on press
rule2 on Power2#state do WebSend [] POWER2 %value% endon

Rules for downstairs lounge switch. Turn other light switch on, and hold to turn everything off
Rule1 on button1#state=2 do WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power1 toggle endon

Rule2 on button1#state=3 do backlog WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power1 off;WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power2 off;WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power1 off; WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power2 off;WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power1 off; WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power2 off;WebSend [,admin:sonoffviewnels] Power1 off  endon

Rule to increase fan speed on button press
rule2 on Switch2#state=1 do WebSend [] FanSpeed + endon
