Revision [6687]

This is an old revision of ArcadeOnTVCosts made by ZorrUno on 2021-03-12 23:47:41.


Cost est for cheap multiplatform arcade on large TV

The Pi 4 will emulate most systems now... it is pretty damn powerful. I'm only using a Pi3 for my arcade cab and a Pi2 would probably have been fine. I did however buy a Pi4 to use but found it wayy overkill, so I plan to use it like this in a NesPi Case and use on the 4k 75 inch TV with bluetooth controllers.

Cost Estimate

ItemCost $NZLink
Raspberry Pi 4B, no case $109Only need 4GB version, wavetech
USBC 3A Powersupply $19 wavetech
Retroflag NesPi case$74Comes with fan, switches etc retroflag
Controllers x2 (cheap bluetooth, or use PS3) $23 $11.50 each trademe
64GB SD card $30
HDMI Cable $5


Optional: SSD (not really needed, but case allows for one) 120GB $60
Optional: more controllers for 4 player games (eg simpsons)
Optional: wireless or bluetooth keyboard
Optional: Power supply in black or white

Optional other controllers

a USB (or possibly bluetooth ones available?) arcade style controller such as:
a) Arcade stick (or DIY)
b) 8BITDO COntroller


There are kits like canakit


I'd recommend Batocera... it is all set to go for the Pi4 and Nespi case (takes care of the scripts for the on/off switches which is nice), otherwise Retropie. There are complete builds with ROMs available at places like
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