MX5 turns 10… celebrated in Christchurch

I thought I’d post some photos I have of various MX5 Club events and activities from the late 90s and early 2000s (when I was very much involved in the NZ Club) in case others wanted to see them. If you want to add any, feel free to get them to me. Over time I’ll add more of the albums I have, and you can click the link below to find them. (and yes, these posts are usually dated for the date of each event, not the post date).
Click to see more as they are added.
Christchurch MX5 Club 10th Anniversary, Oct 2005
I happened to be travelling to Oz around this time for work, so I stopped in Christchurch to help the Christchurch club celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the MX5. It was great to meet the famous (in Mazda Circles) Toshihiko Hirai who was head of the Mazda Roadster program from 1986. Toshi developed Mazda’s Jinba Ittai philosophy, and I was lucky to have a good chat and get him to sign my MX5 Cap (which is well worn…). In turn we signed the banner for his local Kanazawa Roadster Club (which I noticed was already signed by lots of world renowned Miata celebs)
Disclaimer: I am mindful that these photos are public here, and they may show you, your car registration or something you may not want posted publicly. Also, I’m pretty sure I took all these…or someone else has given me permission to use them. If I didn’t I apologise, and again please let me know.
See website footer for copying and reuse license conditions.
Feel free to email for takedown requests, or to send me more photos.