Just another day at the track

I thought I’d post some photos I have of various MX5 Club events and activities from the late 90s and early 2000s (when I was very much involved in the NZ Club) in case others wanted to see them. If you want to add any, feel free to get them to me. Over time I’ll add more of the albums I have, and you can click the link below to find them. (and yes, these posts are usually dated for the date of each event, not the post date).
Click http://zorruno.com/topics/vehicles/mx5/ to see more as they are added.
MX5 Club Driver Training Day Taupo 2009
(some text below I found from an old mx5forum.co.nz post of mine)
There were lots of cars there…it was $75 for the day – generally the club keeps costs low and tries to just break even. A number of Aucklanders went [the day before] and stayed the night locally [We stayed at the African themed hotel in Taupo – I want to say ‘The Caboose’?]. …..The next one will likely be in Pukekohe I guess, which will make the trip easier for the Aucklanders – although I really like the Taupo track.
The format was (and usually is similar to this):
Bob Culanane (sp?) was the (professional) instructor, and other committee members and helpers assisted him. The morning was instruction on the track (basically some cornering, braking, slalom and gyhkhana). The afternoon was free laps – some time with helmet on if you wished. They would have packed up about 4:30 so there was plenty of track time.
Well organised as usual – the committee does a great job with these. Lots of smiles on the faces of those who went! I’m guessing 40-50 cars, but not all participated.
I had a great drive down and back – left about 5am, arrived sometime after 8 (and was the first there!) – got home about 7:30pm but could have stayed longer if I didn’t have things to do.
There were people there from just about every local Club chapter in the North Island. There were a few people from [the mx5 forum]… I got to look at a few engines in person rather than their uploaded photos, and met a few forum-ers for the first time.
Disclaimer: I am mindful that these photos are public here, and they may show you, your car registration or something you may not want posted publicly. Also, I’m pretty sure I took all these…or someone else has given me permission to use them. If I didn’t I apologise, and again please let me know.
See website footer for copying and reuse license conditions.
Feel free to email me@zorruno.com for takedown requests, or to send me more photos.