Secure the Chocolate: Simple Cupboard Security

We have created a self contained area of our house that we still use a lot ourselves, and part of the need is to be able to store and use spaces for our own stuff… without guests having access.
One of the bedrooms and a full sized cupboard can be locked with a key when needed, but what do you do when you have a basic pantry cupboard and bathroom cupboard that has your stuff in it? Well, these cheap Chinese made RFID locks were a great solution for under NZ$20 including shipping.
Each come with 3 tags (or cards if you prefer), and are 13.56MHz Mifare-1 (The same as I got for our front door lock) and the locks take 4 AA batteries. There are multiple ways they can be mounted, and although not military grade security, perfect for this application.
I installed two of them slightly differently, with one on a pantry with card access at the front, and one on a bathroom cabinet with a top swipe as can be seen on the photos. It is important to have the emergency power outlet lead available… as if the batteries die, you are pretty stuffed unless you can power it up externally.
I’m awaiting delivery of a purpose designed ‘emergency battery box‘, but could just make my own if needed in the mean time, it uses a 2.5mm stereo socket/plug for the 6V needed. The pantry power can be gained by removing the sticker on the door, and in the bathroom by opening the next door cupboard. A future plan was to power them permanently and have external control though the automation system, but I’m not sure it is necessary.
Don’t forget to label your tags… they come blank, and even if they have an ID you need to remember which lock they are used for.