Sinilink USB XY-WFUSB Tasmota Flash

Pics and notes for flashing a Sinilink USB Stick XY-WFUSB with Tasmota
This is a USB A Male to female stick, with an esp8266 in it to switch the output. It can be flashed with Tasmota, but has annoyingly small 1.27mm pitch headers. I used the ‘sewing pin’ method suggested in a couple of places.
If I was doing more of them, I’d make up a more permanent jig or use a more suitable programming tool (I’d at least have looked harder for my logic test clips…) but this worked out easier than I expected, and of course was helped with a decent magnifying lamp.

Tasmota Template and pinout
Other links
Purchasing Sinilink XY-WFUSB from Aliexpress
Programming pin tool
Another method of connecting to closly spaced pins
Use Cases
My first use for one was to connect a USB wireless weather station. The USB data connection on the station would occasionally lock up, and being able to turn this off and on if the weather station data disappeared is quite useful.
Other uses could be switching off USB power after a time period for charging, switching LED light strips etc