Tasmota Run on Timer Rules: Triple bathroom light button

Use of a triple pushbutton, running Tasmota to do simple run-on functions in a bathroom. Can be adapted to other purposes, but shows the the ruleset and SetOptions needed.
Button Type Used

- A three pushbutton device with Tasmota installed (in this case, a Zemismart KS-811 Triple)
- Controls Main Lights (1), Mirror Lights (2), Extract Fan (3)
- Prevents mirror lights from remaining on
- Does a “run on timer function” for extract fan, with a couple of run options depending on number of times pressed.
- All carried out inside the device with rules (no MQTT or external control needed)
First Rule
- Combines 3 actions in rule1
- If Timer 2 finishes, set Power2 OFF (I like to match the timer numbers etc with the output number. This isn’t necessary)
- If Timer 3 finishes, set Power3 Off
- If Button 1 is pressed once, toggle Power1 output (just turn the main lights on/off on press)
on Rules#Timer=2 do power2 off endon
on Rules#Timer=3 do power3 off endon
on button1#state=10 do power1 toggle endon
Second Rule
- Combines 1 actions in rule2
- If button2 is pressed once, toggle the output2 and start the timer running down from 3600 (i.e mirror lights go on for one hour max)
rule2 on button2#state=10 do backlog power2 toggle; ruletimer2 3600 endon
Third Rule
- Combines 3 actions in rule3
- If Button 3 pressed once, toggle output 3 (the bathroom fan). Also, set ruletimer3 to start counting down from 600 seconds (10 minutes)
- If Button 3 pressed twice, toggle output 3 and set ruletimer3 to start counting down from 3600 seconds (1 hour)
- If Button 3 is triple pressed, toggle output 3 and set ruletimer3 to start counting down from 4 hours.
rule3 on button3#state=10 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 600 endon
on button3#state=11 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 3600 endon
on button3#state=12 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 14400 endon
Setup Actions
Turn the rules on
backlog rule1 1; rule2 1; rule3 1;
Restrict button actions to 1-5 presses or HOLD (no special functions)
setoption1 1
Allow immediate single button press detection (this is the default)
setoption13 0
Number of 0.1 second increments for HOLD detection (it is 40 by default, we aren’t using this yet)
setoption32 60
Detach all buttons from activating relays. It will just send MQTT messages and we will use rule to activate relays.
setoption73 1
Full rules and actions set
This is the full set, that can be copy and pasted (with backlog to run them at once)
rule1 on Rules#Timer=2 do power2 off endon on Rules#Timer=3 do power3 off endon on button1#state=10 do power1 toggle endon
rule2 on button2#state=10 do backlog power2 toggle endon; ruletimer2 3600 endon
rule3 on button3#state=10 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 600 endon on button3#state=11 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 3600 endon on button3#state=12 do backlog power3 toggle; ruletimer3 14400 endon
backlog rule1 1; rule2 1; rule3 1; setoption1 1; setoption13 0; setoption32 60; setoption73 1
Other useful info
Button States 10 = 1 short press 11 = 2 short press 12 = 3 short press 13 = 4 short press 14 = 5 short press 3 = LONG press
Check how long the rule timers have to go
That’s almost a work of art! I can imagine just how much work went into that. Brilliant piece of work showing how surprisingly adaptable tasmota can be.
Thanks! Yes, I’m still finding uses for Tasmota scripting… I could control stuff at a higher level, but this is much more reliable for simple tasks.