Wee History, a “Living Museum” in Edinburgh

On a recent trip to Europe I was in Edinburgh, and have the chance to stop by this interesting little spot called the Wee Museum of History.
Some research showed the The Living Memory Association has been around since 1986 in various locations, but currently their home is The Wee Museum of Memory at Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre, Edinburgh, where the Royal Yacht Britannia is permanently moored. (and they have one other museum location)
They describe it as “Edinburgh’s Reminiscence Project” and a “hands-on museum”, open to the public for free. They have areas mostly separated into different eras, eg 1940s, 1980s and invite people to come by and “do some impromptu reminiscing”.
They also have areas set up like 1940s/60s era rooms (before my time… but cool to look at) and it appears they have regular activities and groups set up for the locals to come by and chat.
I’ve been to plenty of ‘retro’ museums, but this is the first one of its kind I have seen that you can just pick up and look at the items on display. I found some amazing 70-90s era cameras, computers, telephones, radios etc (you know… the stuff I like to look at, repair and collect). There are also a bunch of stories and pictures around that describe the eras and general life and activities at the time.
I’m very impressed at the generosity of the people who have donated things and that they trust the public to come alone and closely interact with it all. I’d love to see this type of thing set up in New Zealand one day and would happily be involved in such a non-profit group if some suitable space and sponsors could be found.
A few photos from my visit are below, definitely get there if you get a chance, and support them.