Caravans at Beach Hop, 2021

Beach Hop rolled around quickly for 2021 as the last one was just in November. Some awesome new vans on view, and the usual suspects back with there fantastic renovations, displays and creations.
I’m looking forward to next year’s Caravans & Classics sponsored light show – it was organised at short notice this year and not a lot of vans had displays. I’m sure people will go all out next year.
Once again, it isn’t my best work, I didn’t spend enough time photographing interiors, and probably didn’t get shots of all the vans sorry. Next year maybe I’ll spend less time chatting to people and more time concentrating on camera settings and lens selection…
If I took a few pics of you with your van and you want copies (for personal use), feel free to message me and I’ll send you the originals from here and see if there are any more. If for some reason you want your photo removed, also feel free to ask.
All photos are (c) me @ Feel free to take copies of your own caravan pics from here for personal use, and if you want higher resolution copies to use (for personal purposes) also, just message me as I’ll be happy to send them to you.