Simple TV Wall Mounting with Cupboard

Back in 2015 I looked for a way to mount our 55″ TV on the wall tidily. This is the solution I came up with.
As can be seen, I cut a hole behind the TV, and made a thin replacement cover from chipboard – but with spaces for the metal parts for a flat TV bracket. I wanted to get the TV as close to the wall as possible and this spaced it around 10mm.
Behind the wall that the TV was going on was a hallway and at the far end was a cupboard that I suspect could have been the hot water cylinder cupboard in the original design (but the house had an outdoor tank)
I had a local kitchen company make a custom box with adjustable shelving and mounted this in the wall, which protruded into the hall cupboard behind.
I had toyed with the idea of putting a glass door on the box, but it wasn’t necessary, the Amplifier, DVD/blueray player …karaoke amp… etc all sat nicely on the shelves and the wiring was all hidden in the cupboard. The rest of the cupboard housed my wifi access point, network switch, a NUC and a few other bits, and there was still room for the vacuum cleaner and ironing board.
And we then got a nice long TV cabinet to put under it which we revamped. Possibly this now gave ‘too much DVD player’ type storage, but it was all useful and looked good – with the TV off the floor and cables all tidy.